Banks lose – someone gains: Households’ unequal exposure to financial distress

Is the burden of distress in the banking sector shared equally among households, or is it distributed unevenly? Following the global financial crisis, the economic consequences of severe disruptions to the banking sector and the unequal impact of recessions have become a key concern of macroeconomic policy. This article examines how temporary banking sector losses affect households differently according to their income levels. The analysis reveals that low-income households bear most of the burden, while high-income households tend to be less adversely affected.

Asymmetric monetary policy spillovers: the role of supply chains, credit networks and fear of floating

This paper examines the asymmetry in global spillovers from Fed policy across tightening versus easing episodes several examples of which have been on display since the global financial crisis (GFC). We build a dynamic general equilibrium model featuring: (i) occasionally binding collateral constraints in the financial sector with significant cross-border exposure; and (ii) global supply chains, allowing us to match the asymmetry of spillovers across contractionary versus expansionary monetary policy shocks.


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