Risk-to buffer: setting cyclical and structural banks capital requirements through stress test

In this paper, we propose a new framework to jointly calibrate cyclical and structural capital requirements. For this, we integrate a non-linear macroeconomic model and a stress test model. In the macroeconomic model, the severity of the scenarios depends on the level of cyclical risk. Risk-related scenarios are used as inputs for the stress test model. Banks’ capital losses derived from a scenario based on a reference level of risk are used to set the structural requirement. Additional losses associated with the current risk scenario are used to set the cyclical requirement.

ECB-(RE)BASE: Heterogeneity in expectation formation and macroeconomic dynamics

This paper introduces ECB-(RE)BASE as the model-consistent, or rational expectation version of the ECB-BASE model. It brings new analytical capabilities to consider varying degrees of heterogeneity in expectation formation across the agents of the model. While the original version of ECB-BASE features VAR-based expectations, we examine two alternative versions either with full model-consistent expectations or with hybrid expectations. The paper provides a didactic exposition of the changes in the model properties brought by the various expectation settings.

Inflation (de-)anchoring in the euro area

This article measures the degree of potential de-anchoring of inflation expectations in the euro area vis-à-vis the inflation objective of the European Central Bank (ECB). A no-arbitrage term structure model that allows for a time-varying long-term mean of inflation expectations, π∗t , is applied to inflation-linked swap (ILS) rates, while taking into account survey-basedinflation forecasts. Estimates of π∗t have been close to 2% since the mid-2000s, indicating that long-term inflation expectations have overall remained well anchored to the ECB’s inflation objective.


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