Central banks

Monetary policy pass-through to consumer prices: evidence from granular price data

We document that about 33% of the core inflation basket in the euro area is sensitive to monetary policy shocks. We assess potential theoretical mechanisms driving the sensitivity. Our results suggest that items of a discretionary nature, as reflected in a higher share in the consumption baskets of richer households, and those with larger role of credit in financing their purchase, tend to be more sensitive.Non-sensitive items are more frequently subject to administered prices and include non-discretionary items such as rents and medical services.

Monetary policy pass-through to consumer prices: evidence from granular price data

We document that about 33% of the core inflation basket in the euro area is sensitive to monetary policy shocks. We assess potential theoretical mechanisms driving the sensitivity. Our results suggest that items of a discretionary nature, as reflected in a higher share in the consumption baskets of richer households, and those with larger role of credit in financing their purchase, tend to be more sensitive.Non-sensitive items are more frequently subject to administered prices and include non-discretionary items such as rents and medical services.

Four years into NextGenerationEU: what impact on the euro area economy

This paper takes stock of the implementation of the NextGenerationEU (NGEU) programme in the euro area four years after its inception, focusing on its principal instrument, the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). The paper provides an updated quantitative assessment of its past and future impact on the euro area economy, using a set of models and scenarios to account for the uncertainty that still surrounds the implementation of this programme.

The macroeconomic effects of liquidity supply during financial crises

Negative economic shocks can cause waves of investor pessimism about the resilience of banks, which, in turn, generate additional adverse macroeconomic effects. This is commonly cited as an explanation for the economic havoc wrought by the global financial crisis of 2007-08. We introduce the notion of pessimism in a real business cycle model, which is a standard framework for business cycle analysis. The possibility of waves of pessimism generates countercyclical demand from banks for liquid assets (e.g., bank reserves).

Going NUTS: the regional impact of extreme climate events over the medium term

The projected increase in extreme climate events in the coming decades is likely to exacerbate the existing productivity and demographic challenges facing Europe. We study the dynamic, medium-run macroeconomic effects of heatwaves, droughts and floods in 1160 EU regions through the lens of a local projections, difference in difference framework. Summer heatwaves and droughts lower medium-term output, but the impact from floods depends on regional income levels. High-income regions witness reconstruction activity, less wealthy regions do not.

Going NUTS: the regional impact of extreme climate events over the medium term

The projected increase in extreme climate events in the coming decades is likely to exacerbate the existing productivity and demographic challenges facing Europe. We study the dynamic, medium-run macroeconomic effects of heatwaves, droughts and floods in 1160 EU regions through the lens of a local projections, difference in difference framework. Summer heatwaves and droughts lower medium-term output, but the impact from floods depends on regional income levels. High-income regions witness reconstruction activity, less wealthy regions do not.

FEDS Paper: Revisiting Risky Money

Travis D. NesmithRisk was first incorporated into monetary aggregation over thirty-five years ago, using a stochastic version of the workhorse money-in-the-utility-function model. Nevertheless, the mathematical foundations of this stochastic model remain shaky. To firm the foundations, this paper employs a slightly richer probability concept than standard Borel-measurability, which enables me to prove the existence of a well-behaved solution and to derive stochastic Euler equations.


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