Federal Reserve

IFDP Paper: U.S. Monetary Policy Spillovers to Emerging Markets: Both Shocks and Vulnerabilities Matter(Revised)

Shaghil Ahmed, Ozge Akinci, Albert QueraltoWe use a macroeconomic model to explore how policy drivers and country vulnerabilities matter for the transmission of U.S. monetary policy shifts to emerging markets. Our model features imperfections in domestic and international financial markets and imperfectly anchored inflation expectations. We show that higher U.S. interest rates arising from stronger U.S.

FEDS Paper: Inside the Boardroom: Evidence from the Board Structure and Meeting Minutes of Community Banks

Rosalind L. Bennett, Manju Puri, and Paul E. SotoCommunity banks are critical for local economies, yet research on their corporate governance has been scarce due to limited data availability. We explore a unique, proprietary dataset of board membership and meeting minutes of failed community banks to present several stylized facts regarding their board structure and meetings.

FEDS Paper: Disagreement About the Term Structure of Inflation Expectations

Hie Joo Ahn and Leland E. FarmerWe develop a model of the individual term structure of inflation expectations across forecasting horizons. Using the Survey of Professional Forecasters, we decompose disagreement about inflation expectations into individuals’ long-term beliefs, private information, and public information. We find that in normal times, long-horizon disagreement is predominantly driven by individuals’ long-term beliefs, while short-horizon disagreement stems from private information.

FEDS Paper: Information Technology in Banking and Entrepreneurship

Toni Ahnert, Sebastian Doerr, Nicola Pierri, and Yannick TimmerWe study the importance of information technology (IT) in banking for entrepreneurship. Guided by a parsimonious model, we establish that job creation by young firms is stronger in US counties more exposed to banks with greater IT adoption. We present evidence consistent with banks' IT adoption spurring entrepreneurship through a collateral channel: entrepreneurship increases by more in IT-exposed counties when house prices rise.

FEDS Paper: More Tax, Less Refi? The Mortgage Interest Deduction and Monetary Policy Pass-Through

Tess Scharlemann and Eileen van StraelenWe study how the mortgage interest deduction (MID) affects refinancing. Households who deduct mortgage interest from their taxes face a lower post-tax mortgage rate, reducing the interest savings from refinancing net of taxes. We estimate the effect of the MID on refinancing using the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 as a natural experiment.

IFDP Paper: Arepas are not Tacos: On the Labor Markets of Latin America

Maria Aristizabal-Ramirez, Cezar Santos, and Alejandra TorresThis paper examines labor markets across Latin American countries, revealing substantial differences in unemployment, informality, and worker transitions. Using surveys from eight countries, we construct comparable statistics on employment stocks and mobility patterns. Notable cross-country differences emerge, with economies mostly clustered into high unemployment-low informality or low unemployment-high informality groups.

FEDS Paper: Nonlinear Effects of Loan-to-Value Constraints

C. Bora Durdu and Sergio VillalvazoThis paper investigates the impact of loan-to-value (LtV) borrowing constraints in models with occasionally binding credit constraints. These constraints give rise to a Fisherian debt-deflation mechanism, where exogenous shocks can trigger cascading effects resulting in significant declines in consumption, asset prices, and borrowing reversals—characteristic of financial crises.


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