
A Heart Attack and Stroke Drug That Saves Lives Exists—But American Patients May Be Left Behind by Profit-Driven Healthcare

Dr. Victor Gurewich, a researcher and Harvard Medical School faculty member since 1965, discovered a breakthrough drug treatment for heart attacks and strokes with the potential to save millions, but institutional resistance and a U.S. healthcare system that puts profits over patients are keeping it out of reach.
Chest tightness. Arm pain. Panic. The warning signs hit hard, and for a moment, the thought of a heart attack is no longer just a fear—it’s happening.

How the Wall Street Journal Blew the Story of the Democrats and Inflation

The firehose of affluent consumption continues to drive inflation, not the stimulus package
It must be the Wall Street Journal’s DNA. Nothing else easily explains why the normally careful Nick Timiraos would focus so much of his account of “How the Democrats Blew It on Inflation” on the hoary argument that the “Biden Stimulus” somehow triggered worldwide inflation back in 2021.

Time to Stop Rolling Dice: Why Bigger is Better in Climate Investments

Earlier investments make large-scale emission reductions easier to do over time because their unit costs drop
Everyone recognizes that the costs of automobiles, washers, jet planes, and hundreds of other products usually drop with mass production. Most products get cheaper when they stream out of workplaces not by the dozens, but by the tens of thousands, or even millions.


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